In clinic at Creation Acupuncture, we often talk about vibrational alignment. How, according to the laws of the Universe, including the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction, maintaining a high vibration is key to attracting what you desire.
This is a scientific principle. In quantum physics, we are all particles of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Human beings' vibrational frequencies are affected by emotions which then affects our energy or Qi, in Chinese Medicine.
Maintaining a high vibration means accessing high frequency emotions such as joy, love and peace and staying in this state (of happiness, love and calm) for the majority of the time.
This isn't easily done without help and so today, and weekly in clinic, I will support you with methods to raise your frequency and subconsciously attract a higher reality, ie. your dream of a baby. This doesn't happen in isolation or in one acupuncture or meditation session, but with continued effort on a daily basis. But you will start to see the results quicker than you imagine!
For example, this can be done on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. If you have deficiencies of energy in certain organs, for example Spleen Qi deficiency or Kidney deficiency; these organs can be nourished with set acupuncture points on the corresponding channel and thus supported physically. You can support the Spleen physically by eating in a calm environment and support the Kidney by keeping your abdomen and feet warm. But you can also support your vibrational alignment with mental exercises to do at home.
This week's focus is gratitude.
Gratitude is a powerful tool for keeping you in the high frequencies.
So how can you use gratitude to powerfully uplevel your fertility journey? Here are 5 ways.
Law of Correspondence
Physics explains that our physical world (energy, motion, light, vibration) on the
outside reflects its inner state. This is also true in terms of a person’s energy. If you
are stressed, you experience more stress because you are drawing this energy to
yourself. This then negatively affects your fertility. Similarly, if you are able to
maintain calm, you experience more situations that are calming. If you show gratitude, you receive more experiences to be grateful for.
As Within, So Without
Whatever you are thinking, feeling and affirming inside of yourself is reflected back to you in your outside world.
If you want to be pregnant, but you feel annoyed that it hasn't happened yet, or you resent the fertility journey or focus on something that has gone wrong, whether this is an experience with a fertility clinic, IVF medication, scans or something within your body, you are drawing the energy of lack to yourself and of ‘not being pregnant’. This will match you up with more ‘not being pregnant.’
However, if you give thanks for everything you already have, you are drawing the energy of abundance to yourself. Give thanks for your family, your relationship, the children already in your life, all babies, fertility clinics, healthcare that helps to bring babies into the world...the list goes on! In doing this, you will attract more of these things into your life.
Use It With Children
If you already have a child, work with children or have children in your life, you can ask them to think of 3 things they are grateful for. You could create an art and craft activity, such as painting gratitude pebbles, creating a gratitude journal, writing gratitude thoughts on heart shaped post it notes and sticking them around the house or classroom.
Make It Part of your Daily Routine
Similar to affirmations, when gratitude thoughts are repeated daily, they change the neural pathways in your brain, over a period of time, usually around 30 days. This works if it is done consistently. A quick way of incorporating gratitude in your daily routine and making it a positive habit, is to make notes in a journal every night or to add 3-5 things to be grateful for to your usual fertility affirmation list.
Show Gratitude for the Challenges on Your Journey
When we show gratitude for the things that have made us feel the worst in our lives, we are showing to the Universe that we have seen the benefit of the lesson, and learned and healed. Firstly, we then stop receiving the same lesson in repeated cycles as we have healed through what we learned. Secondly, we are given something new and something better, that we are more aligned with.
When you include within your gratitude list, situations where you give thanks for specific challenges on your fertility journey, the Universe responds accordingly. If you begin to see every trigger, trauma and challenge as a blessing, meant to raise you into a higher timeline, one in which will bring you your desired outcome, you have truly learned the purpose of the challenge in the first place. This is the hardest, but most effective of all of the methods of gratitude.
I hope this helps!
Have a great week and thanks for reading!