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Why is Self-Love important for Fertility?


This week’s article is based on self-love. Self-love is a very important concept for fertility. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) it relates to the Heart organ. The Heart in TCM has an important role in governing the Shen (spirit) which relates to your mental health. It also has an imperative role in governing the Blood of the body which flows to your fertility organs such as the ovaries (producing follicles and eggs) and the uterus. The endometrium of the uterus is supported in TCM by the heart and the energy flows directly between these two organs.

Therefore, looking after your heart energy is really important for your fertility.

The two categories of Self-Love and the Heart

Self-love comes under two categories of heart energy.

1. Self-esteem – having positive mental health which supports your heart energy.

2. Self- care – taking care of your body in a positive way so that your blood is nourished.

How can we work on these energies for positive change?

Self Esteem – positive mental health

1. Love yourself just as you are.

“One does not walk into the forest and accuse the tress of being off centre, nor do they visit the shore and call the waves imperfect. So why do we look at ourselves this way?” Tao TeChing

- Look in the mirror- write down the things you like about your appearance and your body. These can include things your body has done for you.

- Write down things you like about your personality.

- Add to these lists, each day or each week.

2. Forgive yourself and your body

“Much of spiritual life is self-acceptance. Maybe all of it.” Jack Konnfield

- Write down the things that you perceive as mistakes you made in the past.

- Write down what are upset with or triggered by with regards to yourself or your body in terms of fertility. Eg. Your period each month.

- Now release these feelings and emotions, rip up the paper and throw it away.

- You can do this through specific negative energy clearing and healing exercises in the Creation Fertility Healing Programme. You’ll receive this as a fertility acupuncture patient at Creation Acupuncture.

3. Give compliments, accept compliments. Make it a habit to give someone a compliment or smile at someone every day and you will see that you receive compliments back. Write these down to remind yourself of the good people see in you.

4. Release worries and fears. Try to stay in a high vibration. I show you a step-by-step process to achieve this in the Creation Fertility Healing Programme.

5. Follow your purpose in life – following your happiness will raise your vibration, improve your ability to show self-love and enhance your optimal fertility. I dedicate a module to following your mission and purpose on this Earth in the Creation Fertility Healing Programme.

Self-care – positive body health

1. Put time aside for you – this could be a spa day, time to read your book, a day trip in nature by yourself. Choose something that you like to do and schedule it as a regular occurrence.

2. Eat healthy food but don’t obsess or be too strict. Allow yourself treats and let yourself know that all is well. Be mindful of obsessions with body image or health.

“Don’t compare yourself to others. There is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.” Buddha

3. Undertake yoga and exercise. These exercises moves the Qi (the energy in our bodies) and therefore move blockages of blood, pain, and other stagnations that cause infertility in TCM.

4. Nourish Your Blood – Blood nourishing foods, supportive to the Heart include red meat, spinach, kale and beetroot. In TCM, when your Blood is nourished and strong, low vibration emotions such as depression and anxiety reduce naturally.

5. Book an acupuncture session – support your heart energy and your fertility in general by seeing a fertility acupuncturist.

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