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4 Reasons to Support Your Blood for Optimal Fertility

Writer's picture: nataliagardneracupnataliagardneracup

Today we are going to look at a fertility diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, Blood deficiency.  Blood Deficiency can affect AMH, egg production and quality and the lining of the uterus. It is commonly treated in the follicular phase by a fertility acupuncturist.

Chinese Medicine Explanation


In Chinese Medicine, Blood is made by the Spleen. When the Spleen is deficient, it doesn’t make enough Blood or the quality of the Blood is poor. One of the roles of Blood in Chinese Medicine is to nourish organs and tissues. When the Spleen and Blood are deficient, the Blood is unable to effectively nourish the organs and tissues. When the Blood of the fertility organs is deficient, the uterus, ovaries, follicles and therefore eggs are not being nourished leading to a thin uterine lining, implantation failure, and low AMH or egg/ embryo quality.

In Chinese Medicine we capitalise the names of the fundamental substances and organs in the body as we deem them so important, for example: Blood, Spleen.

Anatomy and Physiology Explanation


The red blood cells carry haemoglobin which binds with oxygen to form oxy-haemoglobin. The oxygen is transported in the blood to the muscles, organs and tissues for internal respiration. This is when the oxygen gets utilised by the mitochondria in the muscle cells to create ATP, which is the energy currency of the body.

Fewer red blood cells leads to a reduction in oxygen carrying capacity and therefore a less ATP is produced. As ATP is necessary for muscle contraction, blood deficiency would result in fatigue and a reduction in output. This can occur in the fertility organs, for example, less blood flow to the ovaries would result in slower to grow follicles.




Why Should You Support your Blood to Optimise Your Fertility?


1.      Blood is the most important substance in female fertility in Chinese Medicine.

2.      Healthy Blood supports follicular development.

3.      Healthy Blood supports implantation.

4.      Healthy Blood supports a healthy and successful pregnancy.


How do I know if I have Blood Deficiency?

1.      Light Bleed

The Blood should be red and flowing for 4-5 days, with 2 or the days heavier. If the flow is poor, or stop/start, it indicates deficiency.


2.      Dull Headaches  / Dizziness / Dry eyes / Vision problems

These may be worse after or towards the end of your period or in the evening, after exerting energy all day. This is because the Blood is failing to nourish the eyes and brain when diminished. This type of headache usually improves as the cycle progresses and after eating. This similarly can manifest as dizziness as the Blood fails to nourish the Brain.



3.      Thin Uterine Lining


Most IVF clinics want the uterine lining to be at least 7-8mm for a successful transfer. If the lining is deficient, the Blood flow to the Uterus is likely to be impaired, due to low oestrogen and lack of Blood.


4.      Fatigue / Lack of memory or concentration

If the Blood fails to transport adequate oxygen to the working muscles and the brain, the body is less efficient at creating ATP for muscle contraction. You would likely feel tired after a smaller amount of exertion than individuals with healthy Blood.


5.      Low AMH, poor egg quality/ follicles slow to grow

Although these are complex in nature and relate also to the Kidney Yin energy, when the Blood fails to nourish the developing follicles, they may be slow to grow, resulting in late ovulation, lower quality of embryos and IVF failure or implantation issues.


6.      Difficulty Getting to Sleep/ Anxiety or Over-thinking 

As the Spleen makes the Blood, Blood deficiency as a diagnosis, always includes an element of Spleen Deficiency. The Spleen controls the intellect in Chinese Medicine and is related to overthinking when it is deficient. This often happens at night as the Blood also fails to calm the Shen (spirit) which is needs to relax in order to be able to drift off to sleep.



Why Do I Have Blood Deficiency?

Blood Deficiency can come from the following factors:

  • Spleen Qi Deficiency

    A weak Spleen fails to make enough blood.

  • Blood Loss

    Trauma or surgery such as a previous C section or blood loss at childbirth.

  • Vegetarian Diet

    It is possible to gain enough blood nourishing foods from a vegetarian diet and supplements, but you have to be aware of including them.

  • Strict dieting

    You need to eat enough to create Qi (ATP/energy) and therefore Blood. Restricting calories over a long period of time can cause periods to stop and blood production to reduce.


How Can I Support My Blood  

1.      Acupuncture

Acupuncture for blood deficiency would be concentrated in the first half of the cycle, to support the follicular phase, including follicle and egg development and nourishing the uterine lining. A fertility acupuncturist would use points on the abdomen, back, legs, feet and wrists to support the spleen to make blood, the liver blood and the heart blood.


2.      Eat Blood Nourishing Foods

Food to support the blood includes beetroot, leafy green vegetables such s as spinach and kale, red meat, eggs and bone broth.


3.      Supplements

Supplements to support the blood and increases the uterine lining include raspberry leaf tea, L-Arginine and maca root (not recommended for patients with endometriosis, PCOS or high oestrogen levels).

  1. Avoid Giving Blood

    When trying to conceive with Blood or Spleen Qi Deficiency, you do need to keep as much of your blood in your body as possible!

    I hope this helped and see you in clinic soon!







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