In this article, I posed a series of frequently asked questions to current and past patients of Creation Acupuncture who have had successful pregnancies or births. Find out what they had to say below....
Thank you to the ladies who answered these questions, I really hope this helps others on their journeys!
What did you do differently in the cycle that you got pregnant?
"In the cycle that I got pregnant I increased the acupuncture & did meditations, affirmations and clearing exercises and worked through the modules."
"In the cycle that I got pregnant, my outlook on IVF and getting pregnant through IVF was vastly different from the start of my IVF journey and previous cycles. Initially, IVF for me was a negative and I was negative about the injections, the scans and the procedure and I had a ‘Why is this happening to me?’ attitude. During the cycle that I conceived, my mindset was vastly different. I was grateful to be able to do IVF, to be able to qualify for the treatment, grateful for the doctors, nurses and medical intervention, grateful to have this avenue available to me and grateful for the journey overall and what it had taught me. From a spiritual side, I also felt like there was no other path I would have rather walked on and I saw IVF and this journey as my biggest blessing in life, as it had allowed me to meet so many great people, such as Natalia, learn about myself in much deeper ways, grow as a person, improve my relationships, shift my trauma and feel more balanced in my life. I feel like my fertility journey has improved me as a person and I started to truly recognise that and be grateful. I also had started to value my bond and relationship with my husband even more and at times, I thought ‘well if it doesn’t happen, it really doesn’t matter as there is so much more to life and there is so much to be grateful and happy for’. Rather than feeling empty, dark, and alone inside, I felt full of happiness, gratitude and light and I feel like this mindset and the shift of energy within me helped me conceive."
"In the cycle that I got pregnant, I made more of an effort to attend acupuncture regularly and I did Natalia's meditations every day. I also made sure I followed the lifestyle advice, like going for walks daily and avoiding dairy."
"I was doing a lot of what you already suggested, for example the foods you told me to include or cut out. I was also keeping warm with a water bottle and two pairs of socks. Taking pre conception vitamins called proceive for women age over 35 who had difficulty conceiving."
"I found Natalia and I put IVF on hold for two months to prepare my body with acupuncture and the energy work. I think that really helped rather than rushing into it."
What did you learn from acupuncture that helped you conceive?
"I learned what acupuncture is, the huge benefits and that it’s about more than just needles."Â
"Acupuncture helped me take back control. We often picture getting pregnant as this beautiful, happy, and exciting thing which happens to us, and fertility treatment can zap that enthusiasm out of conception. For me, understanding that we needed fertility treatment came as a real shock and we then went from feeling relaxed about having children, to having this sudden urgency to have a child. We snowballed into desperation, hospital appointments and endless procedures. This felt like such an empty, dark and isolating place to be and I felt like I had little control over what was happening to me. From a mindset perspective, acupuncture allowed me to conceive with the same feelings of happiness, excitement and joy which I wanted for myself, even though the route to conception was different. IVF and science can feel like an unnatural way to conceive and some of the natural feelings we hope for during trying to conceive can be lost. Acupuncture helped put the excitement and fun back into conception. I genuinely look forward to my sessions, for the meditations, the emails about spiritual healing and the changes within the energies and how they may impact us. Learning about the world, myself and energy truly excited me and helped me put that ‘feel good energy’ into conception. I became more in-tune with my body, Natalia explained about stagnation, warmth, diet, rest, she also helped with spiritual guidance, meditations and affirmations, all of this collectively, helped me feel more in control, it made the experience fun and exciting and magical, and it also helped me conceive in a ‘holistic’ way which is something that I truly wanted, whilst also having the fertility treatment alongside. It's almost as though the IVF became the secondary part of my life, rather than being the core element of conception."
"Acupuncture medically helped improve my body. My periods had become lighter and less painful, I stopped suffering from strong PMS symptoms, bloating and headaches and from an egg quality perspective, I had more better-quality eggs during my IVF cycle than previous cycles where I hadn’t had acupuncture to support."
"Using mediation and being positive. Being able to visualise the future."
"I didn't know about the Chinese Medicine organs before, like how the Kidney supports the uterus and you have to keep your feet warm due to where the acupuncture channels are. I learnt that you have to follow the diet advice for your diagnosis and I also learnt how to use moxa. I learnt how easy meditation is and to maintain a good energy routine, in terms of affirmations and energy clearing work."
How have you changed from the start of attending acupuncture until now?Â
"Aside from the successful pregnancy result, I feel like the clearing exercises, blocked energy and what to do for each emotion like meditate/ walk are something I refer to quite often even now I am pregnant. I am always open to ways I can help myself/ feel good/ be self aware and I really find all the modules you sent over and meditations really useful even now."
"I have grown much more as a person. I am more aware of my triggers and how to manage them, I look into the spiritual meaning of things, and I focus on my meditations, journaling and affirmations to help bring more clarity and balance into my life.
"I am a much happier and more grateful person. My body feels energised and balanced and I have a much more positive outlook on life."
"Being more positive believing that I would get pregnant. Having little or no anxiety."
"I no longer feel stressed or emotional as often. I've learned how to deal with difficult situations better and to be honest, they don't come up as often because I've focused on myself, my healing and my journey."
Did any of the following help you and in what way? Meditations, affirmations, spiritual guidance, inner child healing, past life clearing?
"I found the clearing exercises, meditations and affirmations very helpful."
"I found the meditations, affirmations, spiritual guidance and past life clearing to be ground breaking in my fertility journey. I truly don’t believe I would have conceived if I hadn’t done this work."
"They all helped me. I love meditating now! Affirmations are also very easy to fit into a daily routine. I found the inner child work necessary and the past life work was life changing."
"Mediation helped me to relax and affirmations supporting positive mindset."
"The inner child work was hard at first, but I think that probably moved me forwards the quickest. When I started to realise that I had self sabotaging habits that stemmed from not setting boundaries and feeling criticised and ignored, I started to respond differently and choose myself. Journalling also made a big difference. I liked the burning element!"
Did you believe that you would become pregnant?Â
"I think I went into this cycle feeling a bit lost and like I’d try anything that could help. I feel I’ve benefitted so much more than just getting pregnant which can only be a good thing! In the two week wait I was very confident that I was pregnant, mainly through a feeling inside me rather than anything else."
"Prior to acupuncture, I sometimes believed it would never happen for me."
"I didn't used to, but something changed after I started seeing Natalia regularly. In the cycle I got pregnant, I knew in the two week wait that it had worked."
"Yes, after support from Natalia"
"Yes, I do believe in myself and this baby. That took work, but I always manifest this now."
How long did it take?Â
"I first came to you end of June I was pregnant by beginning of August."
"We had been trying to conceive for 3 years in total. The first year of ‘trying’ we were very relaxed about it, but then after 1.5 years of nothing, we started IVF. I then came to see Natalia."
"3 months of acupuncture."
"Approximately a year for natural conception at age 41 with sessions from Natalia.
"2 months of preparation and one cycle of IVF."
How often did you attend sessions?Â
"Weekly. Now that I'm in the second trimester I attend monthly."
"I had one session a week at the very least, with additional sessions during stimulation, prior to egg collection, post egg collection and pre and post embryo transfer."
"Once a week"
"Weekly usually, but I had an extra session before embryo transfer."
"Every week."
What advice would you give to others going through a similar journey?Â
"To have acupuncture and all the modules/ meditations / affirmations sent to you- give them a go because they really helped me."
"I would tell people to not lose hope, no matter how dark and bleak the path may seem. I would say to truly immerse yourself not only into the medical side of fertility treatment, but to explore the spiritual, mental and emotional side too. We are multidimensional beings, and we need to explore all dimensions of us and ensure they are in balance when being on this journey of conception. I would say to keep an open mind and open heart, to be open to receiving this guidance and if you are sitting reading this, then that’s your sign from the universe that this is where you should be. Now you just need to believe it and immerse yourself into this healing journey, invest in your body through acupuncture, but also engage with the meditations, the journaling, the spiritual guidance and the affirmations and visualisation. The outcome will be wonderful, so just believe in yourself and never lose sight of the dream and vision you have for your life, because it is possible."
"Try acupuncture. It really helps your cycles and ovulation and it makes you feel better just in general. You feel like you've got someone to talk to and that other people are going through the same thing as you. It helped a lot with my anxiety! But I would also say that you've got to do the work, you have to engage with the meditations and affirmations."
"To change your view that you will become pregnant and to stay positive."
"Believe in yourself. You were given this journey for a reason, If you believe that you will be a good Mom, God will make you one, He just wants you to love yourself first."
I'm so grateful to all of you, wherever you are on this journey.
Blessings for your pregnancy and your baby if you are already pregnant and I believe in you if you are nearly there!