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Meditation For Fertility

This week’s article is about the benefits of meditation specifically for fertility. Generally, meditation helps to:


-       Reduce stress

-       Quiet your mind

-       Go within to receive intuitive insights

-       Recognise where you are in a particular situation

-       Stay in the present

-       Clear negative emotions or limiting beliefs

-       Increase self-love

-       Enter different stages of consciousness

-       Lower blood pressure

-       Reduce depression and anxiety

-       Improve sleep

-       Maintain a high vibration



Meditation to reduce stress and anxiety

There is a strong link between stress and lowered chances of pregnancy. A 2018 study by the Boston University of Public Health found that in partnerships where one partner had a significantly higher stress level then the other, there was a lowered chance of conception. Women who had higher levels of an enzyme that marks stress (alpha-amylase) took 29% longer to get pregnant than women with lower levels.


A meta-analysis including 1,300 adults found that meditation decreases anxiety, especially in those with a high level of anxiety.


Meditation to Maintain a High Vibration

According to the Universal Laws, if we can stay in a high vibration of love, peace and joy, we can attract more of these positive emotions and therefore draw to ourselves increasingly more situations that will cause you happiness, love, peace and your ideal outcome. If your ideal outcome is to become pregnant, the following specific meditations are likely to help you.



What types of meditation are there?


-       Guided meditation(someone talking you through meditation)

-       Active meditation(walking meditation or listening to affirmations whilst doing something active)

-       Reiki meditation(specific meditation for chakras)

-       Qigong meditation(Ancient Chinese healing in an active form)

-       Energy clearing meditation(clearing negative blocks to fertility)

-       Manifestation mediation (visualising your ideal reality to promote fertility)


I combine these methods in the Creation Fertility Healing Programme, created specifically to help women trying to conceive to improve their fertility health through Chinese Medicine and to improve their emotional health through Qigong, meditations and visualisations.


In 10 modules, there are specific exercises and guided and active meditations to help you through each stage of the process to bring you into your optimal state of fertility.


You can access these as a fertility acupuncture patient at Creation Acupuncture.



Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners have been combining physical health and emotional health in medical treatments for 2000 years.


In acupuncture, which is an Ancient Chinese form of medicine, the emotions and the physical symptoms are combined to diagnose and treat conditions, including difficulty conceiving.


In Qigong, movement meditation similar to Tai Chi or gentle yoga, the energy (Qi) of the body is strengthened through the mind and through movement. This can support the fertility organs.


I recommend the following steps if you are interested in exploring how meditative practice can support you to enhance your fertility.


·         Check out Creation Acupuncture on Instagram at creation.acupuncture

·         Look at this article, “What TCM Fertility Diagnosis do I have?”



I hope this article was helpful. Sending you love, peace and joy.

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