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How to Get Through The Two Week Wait

Writer's picture: nataliagardneracupnataliagardneracup

The two week wait is one of the most challenging parts of a fertility journey, whether this is after natural conception or IVF. In this article we’ll discuss energy work and spiritual alternatives to reduce anxiety and encourage implantation in the two week wait. I know that it can be tempting to symptom check and read fertility stories on social media, however this can lower your vibration. When you interact with other people’s energies, even via the internet, you can absorb it and it affects your energy, and therefore implantation success.

Try a checklist to distract yourself during times of anxiety. Try the following higher vibrational activities and daily routine:

10 Recommendations for the 2 Week Wait

  1. Diet

  2. Meditation

  3. Affirmations

  4. Energy clearing

  5. Raise your vibration

  6. Gratitude

  7. Work with the Universe Energies

  8. Nature

  9. Music

  10. Acupuncture

  1. Diet:


Pineapple includes bromelian which moves the blood in Chinese Medicine. To encourage blood flow to the uterus, we recommend eating fresh pineapple for 5 days, starting at the day of embryo transfer.

Eat according to your diagnosis

I’d you have been diagnosed with Damp, continue to avoid dairy. If you have a cold uterus, continue to eat warm foods. See the article, “Foods for your fertility diagnosis” for further clarity.

  1. Meditation:

Meditation increases the alpha and theta brainwaves which enable the body to relax. It reduces the beta brain waves which are associated with an increase in energy, stress and anxiety. When the brain is in a relaxed state it sends signals to the uterus which supports a safe environment for the embryo to implant.

Specific meditations such as energy clearing meditation, heart uterus healing and third eye chakra meditation will actively clear negative energy that can cause physical blockages in the uterus.

  1. Affirmations:

Repeating the same positive affirmations daily increases certain neurological pathways in the brain after 30 days. This encourages the brain to maintain a positive attitude and increase self esteem and motivation. Include affirmations in the present tense. According to the Law of Attraction, you attract what you vibrate at. Affirm that you already have what you want and act like it has already been given to you, that it is written and already decided.

“My uterus is strong and healthy.”

“My embryo is implanting in perfect timing.”

“I trust my body.”

  1. Energy Clearing

    According to physics, everything is made of particles of energy vibrating at different frequencies. This includes humans. We are all made of energy and we oscillate at higher or lower frequencies depending on our emotions and state of mind. As humans, we are affected by feelings that can originate from childhood wounds, perpetuated by societal pressure, culture, family and relationships going through life. Our energy can also be affected by the emotions of those around us.

    In the two week wait try to keep your energy as clear as possible. Before being able to rise high, we must first clear out any negative emotions which may be causing blockages. Try to journal and burn your negative feelings at least once during this time period.

  2. Raise your Vibration

    This means doing things that make you feel calm and happy. This includes peaceful activities such as meditation, affirmations and rest. But also, ain’t o do something each day that you love to do, just for yourself. For example, this might be reading, dancing, playing an instrument or art and crafts. If you can’t think of a hobby that you enjoy, consider what you used to love doing as child and bring back some of that childhood energy.

  3. Gratitude

    Expressing gratitude is a powerful way to raise your energetic vibration, move past challenges and receive good things. Keep a gratitude diary or a gratitude app.

  4. Work with the Universe

    Read the weekly energy emails and see you you can work weekly with the astrological transits . For example, release triggers and anxieties at a Full Moon and manifest your ideal outcome at a New Moon.

  5. Nature

    Spend time in nature every day. It raises your vibration. Walking helps to move the Qi and blood in a gentle way, supporting implantation ans positive mental health. If you can spend time with animals, this is a wonderful way to spread peace and love to the natural world. This also helps you to receive it yourself, supporting your uterus and reducing anxiety.

  6. Music

    Listening to music that you love increases vibrational alignment. Singing or playing an instrument supports your throat chakra which is great for inner child healing, lung channel and immune system. Dancing supports your sacral chakra which is where the fertility organs are housed. Listening to high vibrational music such as 432hz increase the alpha brain wave activity, promoting calm.

  7. Acupuncture

    Acupuncture during the two week wait has many purposes. It supports the kidney energy, uterus and implantation. Acupuncture continues to work on your fertility diagnoses such as Damp or Yin deficiency in a way that is individualised for you. Acupuncture also moves the blood and Qi, preventing any blockages. It also induces relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety.

    If you have tips for the two week wait, please feel free to share to help other patients!

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